Stop Dreaming, Start Doing! Register for our FREE 3-Day Virtual Experience and Turn Your Dreams into Reality!

Experience a Life-Changing Journey of Self-Discovery and Growth!

Experience is hosted Nov 6th - Nov 8th.

Start time is 7 pm (est) each night.

Your greatest POTENTIAL is locked inside of your highest PURPOSE.

Until you know what that purpose is, you'll never meet the greatest version of yourself.

  • You are a creator of your reality and you have the power to create the finances, happiness, and identity that you desire.

  • You must discover your purpose, as it’s the foundation to building anything great.

  • Expanding your vibration will lead to you attracting new experiences and thus living an elevated life.

  • Confidence is something everyone can have once you learn the tools to build that muscle.

  • Life is never happening to you, it’s always happening for you.

Why Should You Join?

In the Dreams to Reality 3-Day Experience, we will dive deep into:

  • Discovering your true purpose (everything starts here)

  • How to build ultimate belief and confidence (even if you don’t have it right now)

  • Learn to create a life that you desire (hint - You’re already unconsciously creating what you don’t desire, now you can learn to create what you do).

  • The secret that uber-successful people knows  (which gives them an unfair advantage).

  • Creating an identity that aligns with your greatest self (this is guaranteed to change your whole paradigm).

This Challenge is for YOU if....

  • Individuals who feel stuck or unfulfilled in their current situation and are looking for guidance on how to achieve their goals.

  • People who have a sense of purpose but need help in turning their dreams into actionable plans.

  • Entrepreneurs who are looking to take their business to the next level and need to develop the mindset and strategies required to achieve greater success.

  • Professionals who want to take their career to the next level and achieve greater success and fulfillment in their work.

  • Anyone who is seeking personal growth, transformation, and a sense of fulfillment in their life.

How the Experience Works

Step 1: Sign up for FREE and mark the dates Nov 6th - Nov 8th on your calendar so you don’t miss our daily teachings!

Step 2: Get access to our private Facebook group where there is NO judgment! You are not alone on this journey so come meet other individuals that are also looking to turn their Dreams into Reality!

Step 3: Start turning your Dreams into Reality! I promise that if you show up and engage in the Experience - there is absolutely no way that you won’t come out of it a totally different person!

Hear what others have to say about Kusudi!


Leneen Faith

Definitely grateful to be a part of this program. I've been walking towards a degree for several years. However, I couldn't articulate it and Kusudi also helped me realize I was giving too much control to others over the purpose God gave me. In just a few weeks both have changed. I now can clearly articulate my purpose and I realized my purpose being fulfilled is my mission. I can go on and on. However, if you keep reading these posts and you are leaning towards signing up, but not sure if you should, then I highly recommend you take the leap of faith. The first call alone I took 5 pages of notes. It spoke directly to me and each week keeps building on top of that solid foundation. Thank you Kusudi for what you're doing. It's beyond appreciated and needed Keep shining.


Jeremy Funderbunk

I’m blessed to say that I just had the opportunity to engage in a 2 hour breakthrough session with Kusudi, and I have to say that it was absolutely life changing… Like seriously. That’s not me exaggerating or just using an expression. LIFE CHANGING is the ONLY way to truly describe the experience. From how professional he is, to how incredible and unique his process is, I can say there is no one else as skilled as he is. The session left me with so much clarity from where I am, where I’m going, and what’s held me back.

I know this won’t be everyone’s story but I can say that I immediately started to reap the benefits from the experience. My life has already improved drastically which is why I can only describe the experience as simply LIFE CHANGING.

Kusudi, I thank you. My family thanks you. My employees thank you. Your work is causing a ripple effect of impact that’s changing so many lives.


Matthew Leal

A majority of us spend years of our life searching to understand our own purpose trying to figure out what motivates us. On top of that we have so many beliefs we have internally created that hold us back from moving forward. Within 4 weeks of the program I have grasped a firm understanding of what my purpose is and learned the tools needed to overcome self beliefs and doubts I had created since I was a child. If you are struggling and feel stuck mentally and are tired of not seeing the mental progress you want to work with Kusudi. It’s worth it!


Chi Chi Coleman

Last night’s call was mind blowing!!

Kusudi Muithi from the first time I met you I knew you were from a different planet And to think you’re only scratching the surface with what you do!!!


Lucas Behnken

Hi everybody. I am Lucas Behnken, I have a company called Sterling Light Productions. It's a production company that makes and produces documentaries and feature films with social impact, distribution campaigns and movements. I just did a two hour session with Kusudi, just a preliminary review of my life and my career and my trajectory and I am forever on a different and better and more aware and more clear path than I was prior to monday morning's session dang man, that was amazing. I've done a lot of self work and company work and just passion work about who I am and what I like to do. I'm an entrepreneur and I have always created my path and worked in the space that I wanted to work in and I can't wait to apply the discoveries that we came up with talking to you Kusudi, I'm serious and this is, this is just coming from my heart of wanting to share how impactful the work that we did. Brother you are so insightful and determined and honest and blunt and serious, which is one of the words that I figured out is a valuable tool for my life and I can tell how everybody's work would have different and different outcomes. It's very curated and detailed the work you do and I can't imagine where I'm gonna go as we continue to work together. Thank you man, thank you for the service that you give to people on the planet and thank you for allowing me to be part of your life. Peace.

Meet Your Coach

Over the past 5 years, Kusudi has spent time and resources learning directly from the greatest thought leaders, billionaires, and personal development experts. This has allowed him to learn the highest methods to facilitate human transformation not only in himself, but others around the world.

Whether its business, personal fulfillment, relationships, self identity, or any aspect of life, Kusudi knows the results you have in your life are directly correlated to the person you’ve been BEING up until this part. And when you change who you are, you’ll change the things you do, and in turn change the results you have.

©2023 Kusudi Muithi

Creator of Reality Academy | | Privacy Policy